Tuesday 11 October 2011

Cataracts....its causes and surgery.

Cataract is an age-related condition in which the lens of the eye becomes clouded, blurring vision. A cataract starts out small & at first has little effect on the vision. The vision is blurred a little, like looking through a cloudy piece of glass. Many studies suggest that exposure to ultra-violet light & cosmic radiation are associated with cataract. Other studies suggest people with diabetes, user of steroids, smokers, air pollution & heavy alcohol consumption etc are at high risk of developing cataracts. A diet rich in anti-oxidant such as beta-carotene (vitamin A), selenium, Vitamin C & E may forestall cataract development. Eating a lot of salt & meat may increase the risk. When symptoms begin to appear, the vision can be improved using new glasses, strong bifocals & magnification etc, but when it progresses enough to seriously impair the vision then one should think about surgery. During surgery, the clouded lens are removed & replaced with a clear, plastic intro-ocular lens. About 80% of blindness in India is due to cataracts. 670 million people world-wide are blind or visually impaired simply because they don't have access to an eye exam & eye glasses. So it is very essential to arrange more & more free eye check-up & surgery for underprivileged to prevent visual impairment. Observe 13th October as WORLD SIGHT DAY for restoring sight.